The Monumens Men: The Power Of Art


Para aktor di film ini jajaran pemenang Oscar. Walaupun masih berasa kurang dramatis.


Diangkat dari kisah nyata.

Satu grup bentukan Roosevelt terdiri dari para seniman, arsitek, kurator, sejarawan, dll yang dipimpin Captain Frank (George Clooney) di tengah perang malah bertugas ke Jerman untuk nyelametin karya-karya seni yang dicuri Hitler. Jumlahnya jutaan. Emang sih banyak masterpiece terkenal, tapi banyak juga yang keliatannya “pasaran” (menurut gw >,<), patung-patung atau lukisan gaya Eropa lah, yang kayaknya kalo pun ilang, yaudah sih tinggal bikin lagi 😛

Sampe akhirnya ada scene si kapten yang ini:

“They’d tell us that with this many people dying, who cares about art?

They’re wrong.. because thats exactly what we’re fighting for.

For our culture n our way of life.

You can wipe out a generation of people, u can burn their homes to d ground, n somehow the’ll still come back.

But if u destroy their achievements n their history, then it’s like they nvr existed. Just ash floating.

Thats what Hitler wants.. n it’s the one thing we simply cant allow.” #etdaass #badumtss

Uwow, enel uga sih. Thats the power of ART! Menarik. (Kalo di Indonesia apa aja ya karya seni yang dianggep agung sampe mesti dilindungi sama darah bahkan nyawa?)

Selebihnya, film ini cuma cerita superior Amerika. #hoaahhmm


Sambil ngabisin stok film,

Hani Rosidaini


NB: Kalo belajar sejarah kayaknya gw emang prefer lewat film daripada buku. Well.. walau ya emang mesti selalu objektif mastiin konteks ceritanya gak ditunggangin pihak tertentu.


Cool Sides of ‘Pride and Prejudice’

I gave 4 stars on Goodreads because i have a little group to discuss this literature and found out many interesting things that we could learn, while also enjoyed the book along with the TV series, which made me so much in love with Collin Firth who cast Mr.Darcy. The condition will be so different if i read the book itself. So, i recommend anyone to watch the series like i did ^^

